Demystifying Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage: Everything You Need to Know

Ambulance on scene. car crash into pole

What is PIP insurance in Florida?

Florida is a no-fault state and requires drivers file a claim against their own auto insurance policy to pay for you and your resident relatives medical expenses as a result of an accident, regardless of who was at fault for the first $10,000 per person. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a required coverage on your car insurance policy in the state of Florida.

What Does Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Cover?

Medical Expenses – Your personal injury protection coverage typically pays 80% of your medical expenses up to a $10,000 per person limit. Covered medical expenses can include EMT, ambulance hosipital visits, doctors appointments and more.

Lost wages – Personal injury protection also covers 60% of any work loss or loss of income as a result of the accident, up to the $10,000 limit per person, if you unable to work due to injuries caused by the accident.

Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Personal Injury Protection Coverage Options

You have a few options available to you when purchasing your auto insurance policy. By default, without any changes your personal injury protection coverage will include resident relatives, Work Loss will be include and your coverage will not be extended. This is usually how it is structured before any changes are made to the coverage. Be sure to ask before you purchase your policy to make sure you know exactly what your getting as in some case, the insurance company or agent may have it set up a bit different by default.

Here are some examples of your personal injury protection options:

Deductibles – Usually a $1,000 deductible with the option to reduce and or eliminate the deductible all together.

Resident Relatives – usually included with the option to remove them and have it soley cover the named insured

Work Loss – usually included with an option to remove it, if you do not work or have a need to be covered for work loss

Extended Coverage – Typically in NOT include and can be added to raise the normal 80% medical expense coverage to 100% and the Lost of Income from 60% to 80%.

Is personal injury protection enough coverage?

The reality is, if you and your resident relatives are seriously injured in a car accident, the $10,000 available per per on your personal injury protection coverage is most likely not going to be enough to cover all of the medical expenses. Aside from your medical expenses you could also be liable to others if your at fault and do not have sufficient coverage to pay for their medical expenses and property damage you cause. It’s really important to consider all of your coverage options when purchasing an auto insurance policy.

Here are a few options that can help you get additional coverage for medical expenses:

Bodily Injury Coverage – Helps you pay medical expenses for injuries to others if you are at-fault in an accident

Learn more about Bodily Injury Liability Coverage

Uninsured Motorist Coverage – Gives you addition coverage to pay for your medical expenses if another driver is at fault and does not have sufficient coverage to pay or cover your medical costs.

Learn more about Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Medical Payments Coverage – will pay for your medical expenses as well, regardless of who is at fault.

Learn more about Medical Payments Coverage

We understand insurance can be a complicated topic and do our best to help simplify if for you. If you need help understanding your coverage options or need assistance, were always here to help. Feel free to give us a call, were always happy to help you any way we can.

Comparing Personal Injury Protection to Other Auto Insurance Coverages – Unraveling the Differences!

Diving into the pool of auto insurance may seem like a complex task, especially with so many types of coverages floating around. Fear not, we’re here to untangle the intricacies. Let’s draw the lines that distinguish Personal Injury Protection (PIP) from other typical auto insurance coverages:

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) vs Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM): PIP jumps in to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other injury-related costs regardless of who’s at fault in an accident. On the flip side, Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage swings into action when an uninsured or underinsured driver hits you. While PIP is a helping hand, no matter who caused the accident, UM is your backup when the other driver’s insurance isn’t enough.

Delve deeper into uninsured motorist coverage here

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) vs Medical Payments Coverage Medical: Payments coverage, also known as MedPay, shells out for your and your passengers’ medical costs, just like PIP. But there’s a twist – MedPay can help cover health insurance deductibles, something that PIP doesn’t do. While PIP covers a broader range of costs (like lost wages), medical payments coverage specifically zeroes in on medical expenses.

Uncover more about medical payments coverage here

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) vs Bodily Injury Liability (BI): PIP is like your personal safety net, covering your own injury-related costs. In contrast, Bodily Injury Liability (BI) covers the injuries that you cause to others in an accident. In short, while PIP is all about you, BI is all about the other party.

Immerse yourself further in bodily injury liability coverage here

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) vs Property Damage Liability (PD): PIP and PD may seem like two peas in a pod as part of liability coverage, but they serve different purposes. PIP looks after your medical expenses and lost wages, while PD takes care of the damage you cause to someone else’s property, typically their vehicle.

To broaden your knowledge about property damage liability coverage click here

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) vs Comprehensive & Collision Coverage: PIP coverage doesn’t protect your own car. Instead, that’s where Comprehensive and Collision coverage come in. Collision takes care of damage to your car from accidents, while Comprehensive handles non-collision damage from events like theft, fire, or natural disasters. Remember, PIP keeps you covered, while Comprehensive and Collision shield your vehicle.

Discover more about comprehensive and collision coverages here

In the end, understanding these differences helps you make better decisions about your auto insurance policy. Your personal situation, combined with Florida’s insurance requirements, should guide your coverage choices. After all, having the right coverage is your best defense against financial surprises after an accident.

A & J Insurance Services

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is mandatory in Florida, but do you know if you’re getting the best rate? Don’t settle for less. Contact us for a free consultation (561) 586-4955 or get an instant online quote to ensure you’re maximizing your benefits while keeping costs low.

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